$15-$20 Appliance Repair Job Leads
Want the best Appliance Repair Job Leads without breaking the bank?
We've got exactly what you're looking for. Are you tired of working with appliance repair advertising and lead generation companies who just don't care about your success? Our approach is a lot different! We look for a few things when we start working with a new appliance repair company who needs marketing. We first and foremost are committed to our client's success no matter what. We've been known to even give free appliance repair leads to certain clients just so they can put some money in their pockets first. We also try and make our leads as affordable as possible...I wouldn't say they are cheap but affordable and exclusive. In the end we're really talking about a long term business relationship with a focus on advertising, lead generation, SEO, Pay Per Click/Adwords, web design, social media and even sales training if you need it. We have many ways of structuring our working relationships with our clients. Some want a pay per lead model (good in the beginning), some want a flat fee and some just say here is the wheel, take it and send me everything you can. Some of our clients who are in larger cities want a combination of leads but also want SEO/Search Engine Optimization for their appliance repair site. This is always a good option if you truly want to dominate your market and already have a website. If you don't we can obviously take a look at building you one as we have a full time web designer on staff. We are basically your one stop shop for appliance repair job leads and all things advertising. |